Blog Posting # 3: Questions I would ask in the information interview with my senior leader/Rationale
Question 1: Is purchasing paid ads a cost-effective way to help our department gain more visibility? This question is essential for the...
Ignite Your Passion
Question 1: Is purchasing paid ads a cost-effective way to help our department gain more visibility? This question is essential for the...
I work from home for three days and onsite for two days. Communication has always been the key to success. However, a hybrid situation...
I am currently working at Admission Hub, Mainland China department. My position is social media marketing intern. My primary...
根据移民部数据,2021年共有405,000人成为了加拿大的永久居民,其中中国移民占到8%,约3.5万人,排名第二。近几年来,加拿大也连续五年在“全球最宜居国家”排行榜上称霸,成为了华人移居海外的首选目的地。 移民是关系个人乃至家庭命运的重要决定,且独立申请DIY移民难度较...
– What I learned. First, I would like to thank Professor Wendy for inviting inspirational industry insiders to give us informative and...
During our week 10's live lecture, Jennifer Stoll, VP of Strategy Valtech, delivered an excellent presentation about "Leveraging Digital...
Introduction Hannah Swinkin, the Head of Marketing at Boxhub and former Director of B2B Marketing at Reef, gave us an excellent and...
To begin with: During our second Marketing Seminar Series lecture, Blair Roebuck, the vice president of Marketing Science Valtech, was...
#Micromoment, #Mobile 1. With the rapid rise of smartphones in the past decade, my dependence on mobile phones has increased...
#Ontario #fishing #B413 I always thought that fishing had to be in the wild. However, you can still fish in a busy place. Lindsay is a...
#ontario #fishing #b413
A Brief History of Fishing Fishing has a long history, at least 7000 years so far. Fishing originated from the ancient, which can be...